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Common Services Centres (CSC)

The Government of India has formulated the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) with the vision of providing all government services in an integrated manner at the doorstep of the citizen, at an affordable cost by using the State Wide Area Network, State Data Centre and Common Services Centres (CSC). The CSC scheme would deliver Web-enabled Anytime, Anywhere access to information pertaining to G2C, G2B and G2G services. The CSC scheme, would be rolled out to establish 1,00,000 CSCs across the country in rural areas with an equitable geographical spread, through which various e-government services.

The scheme is proposed to be implemented on a bottom–up Public-Private Partnership (PPP) framework with Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) as the CSC operator, Service Centre Agency (SCA) as the technology service provider and the investor, State Designated Agency (SDA) as the facilitator of the Scheme implementation, Plan for the Scheme. The Puducherry E-Governance Society was appointed as State Designated Agency.

The Government of Puducherry, through the Department of Information Technology would like to chalk out a road map with the implementation of the Common Services Center’s scheme for the Union Territory with the consultation support of the appointed National Level Service Agency (NLSA) by the Department of Information Technology, Government of India to roll out 66 CSC

SNo Region No. of CSCs Total
Rural Urban
1 Puducherry 27 8 35
2 Karaikal 17 4 21
3 Mahe -- 5 5
4 Yanam -- 5 5
Total 44 22 66

The CSC project would be for 4 years period. The funding pattern is 50% by GoI and remaining 50% by State Government. As per Government of India guidelines the total project cost estimated for 44 numbers of rural CSCs is ₹ 70 lakhs. The project cost for 22 numbers of Urban CSCs is funded by the UT of Puducherry.

The Government of Puducherry, through the Department of Information Technology would also like to accelerate backend automation of various line department’s service to provide Government services electronically to the citizens over the web as well as through the Common Service Centers.

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