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Puducherry e-Governance Society (PeGS)

Puducherry e-Governance Society was established on 3rd March 2006, under the control of Directorate of Information Technology, Puducherry, as a society to administer the implementation of e-Governance projects, in speedy and time bound manner, under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The constitution of the Puducherry e-Governance Society is as follows :

Sl.No. Minister / Secretary / Officer PeGS Designation
1 Hon'ble Minister for Information Technology Chairman
2 Secretary (Information Technology) Vice-Chairman
3 Joint Secretary (Information Technology) Members
4 State Informatics Officer, National Informatics Centre, Puducherry Member
5 Deputy Secretary (Finance) Member
6 Director (Information Technology) Convenor
7 Programmer (Information Technology) Member


The various objectives of the society shall be :

  • To take all necessary steps to promote efficiency, reduce delays, enhance accountability, transparency and objectivity in the functioning of the government.
  • To assist the Department of IT in formulating and implementing policies, procedures and guidelines for the adoption of Information Technology and e-governance for improvement of citizens services through various government departments and agencies and ancillary activities and services. To promote and disseminate Information Technology culture in the State so that the common man could avail the benefit of information technology and e-governance.
  • To administer the implementation of E-Governance projects for ensuring use of Information Technology for masses. To lay down the necessary administrative, financial, legal and technical framework and resources for the IT enabled Citizen Services.
  • List and prioritise the areas for Citizen Services in consultation with the concerned Departments and take all steps for improving Citizen services to the use of IT. To facilitate implementation of Citizen Charters framed by the other departments through the use of E-governance and IT as a tool.
  • To workout revenue models and modalities for providing Citizen Services through use of IT on a public-private partnership model for its self sustainability and to encourage private sector initiative in IT related infrastructure and services. This would include working out all commercial modalities and revenue model including Franchise Model in citizen services.
  • To collect revenue and to issue receipts on behalf of the various Departments and Organizations. Such receipts shall have same legal validity as if it were an actual receipt issued by the concerned department of organization. Transfer the revenue collected to the concerned departments and organizations. Or to authorize a suitable authority, committee, sub-committee or society for these purposes on behalf of the E-Governance Society.
  • To establish and make available connectivity and access to Information through Internet, Intranet, LAN (Local Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network), E-MAIL, WEB SERVERS and Web sites, VSAT and other modes of Communication or any other form of connectivity and regulate their use in the State. To facilitate the creation of a comprehensive State-wide Computer Networks and a State Telecom Network for use by all Government Departments, Institutions, agencies as also the public and private sector. Anything in excess capacity could be commercially exploited.
  • To buy, sell, let on hire, repair, import, export, lease, trade and otherwise deal and provide all IT resources and support, required by any Department for IT and e-governance applications including hiring of professionals, consultancy services, procurement of hardware and software, development of special purpose software projects involving application of Information Technology on turnkey basis.
  • To enter into collaborations, MoUs, partnerships, agreements and contracts with Indian and/or foreign individuals, companies or other organizations for transfer, sale, purchase of equipment and for technical, financial or any other assistance for carrying our all or any of the objects of the Society, with necessary approvals of the Ministers concerned.
  • To enter into any agreement with any Government or authorities (Municipal local or otherwise) or any corporations, companies, or persons which may seem conducive to the Society’s objects or any of them and to obtain from any such Government authorities, corporations, companies, societies or persons any contracts, rights, privileges and concessions which the society may think desirable and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such contracts rights, privileges and concessions.
  • To hire professionals, consultants and other specialized agencies as found necessary for efficient handling and conduct of the business of the society.
  • To provide and/ or arrange to provide all technical assistance and help to create, organise, and maintain centralised data-warehouse, departmental databases, information-repository, and software-library to be shared by all Departments, Institutions, Agencies and wherever possible, the general public. To facilitate inter-departmental coordination in all IT related matters and to devise modalities for information sharing so as to avoid duplication of data entry and development of software. To enable, simplify and modernise the storage, retrieval, transmission, distribution and exchange of information in electronic format. To work out procedures for data entry and its verification, validation, security, storage and up-dation on regular basis.
  • To handle intellectual property rights in Information Technology and other new technology areas. All the software created in any government Department would be jointly held by the Department of IT through the Society.
  • To workout and notify the Standard of Service and Service Level Agreements in e-Governance and IT for citizen services.
  • To undertake training programmes to stakeholders viz. Government employees, end user and to citizens if necessary.
  • To take all means for the safety and security of data and to lay policies procedures guidelines and rules for achieving the objectives of security and authentication. This would include use of digital signatures and public key infrastructure.


Objects incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives

  • To take all the steps necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Department of IT, good governance any governance for the overall benefit of the citizens and public in the Union Territory of Pondicherry To do all such other lawful things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
  • To obtain licenses, certificates and privileges for all purposes from all persons, local authorities and the Central and State Government, to renew the same and transfer the same in favour of any person or authorities.
  • To borrow and raise money with or without security or to receive money and deposit on interest or otherwise in such manner as the Society may deem fit.
  • To draw, issue, accept and to endorse discount and negotiate promissory notes, hundies, bills of exchange, delivery orders, warrants, warehouse-keeping, certificates and other negotiable or commercial or mercantile instruments connected with the business of the Society.
  • To establish and maintain any agencies and franchises in the State for the conduct of the business of the Society.
  • To apply for tender, purchase or otherwise require any contracts and concessions for or in relation to the construction, execution, carrying out, equipment, improvement, management, administration or control of improvement, management, administration or control of works and conveniences and to undertake, execute, carryout, dispose of or otherwise turn to account the same.
  • To improve, manage, work, develop, alter, exchange, lease, mortgage, turn to account, abandon or otherwise deal with all or any part to the property rights and concessions of the Society.
  • To let out on hire all or any of the properties of the Society including every description of apparatus appliances of the Society.
  • To open account or accounts with any individual firm or company or with any bank or banks and to pay into and to withdraw moneys from such account or accounts.
  • To invest apply for and acquire, or otherwise employ moneys belonging to or entrusted to or at the disposal of the Society upon securities and shares or without securities upon such terms as may be thought proper and from time to time and vary such transactions in such manner as the Society may think fit.
  • To guarantee the payment of money to guarantee become sureties for the performance of any contracts or obligations.
  • To create any depreciation fund, reserve fund, sinking fund, insurance fund or any special or other fund whether for depreciation or for repairing, improving, extending or maintaining any of the properties of the Society and to transfer any such fund or part thereof to any of the other funds herein mentioned.
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